The week kicked off with a series of unexpected technical issues. My phone began to fail, shutting off after only a minute of use. Simultaneously, a malfunctioning video card on my laptop made it so I couldn't do any video editing.
But I got a new phone and fixed my video card issue. So this week I go over what tasks I completed from last week and take a look at the tasks I have to do for my online creative ventures this week.
Symbols for the tasks
✅ = Done
⏲ = Still waiting
1. Vintage reselling business, The Pop Culture Roadshow
This week for my vintage online store:
✅ Pack orders
✅ List 5 items a day (View new items in my eBay store)
✅ Record a "what sold" video
⏲ Create reels from the videos
2. My band, Lorenzo's Music
Things I need to do for my band this week:
✅ Start planning promos for new song (Listen to the song "If I was alone" here)
✅ Reels of song hook
✅ Send playlist pitch
3. My webcomic series, Bobert and the Monster
✅ Color Current Page
✅ Live stream coloring (Watch a clip from the live stream here)
✅ Pencil next page
Watch the video to hear the full story and take a look behind the scenes into how I'm managing multiple creative projects.
4. Email list
✅ Create a download offer for email list sign-ups