What dimensions, pixel count, et cetera, are best for print?
It depends on which webcomic project I'm drawing.
For my webcomic diary "Then This Happened...", I found a happy medium for Instagram and print. When I first started out making that one, I made them the size of a tall comic book page. What happened was, that when I started posting that to Instagram, it would get cut off. It was too long.
(Related post: Where do I get the inspiration for my webcomics?)
So I kind of changed the sizes a little bit. I still wanted to keep it in a vertical format so what I ended up using for the diary webcomic is 1000px wide by 1200px tall. And for the DPI, I use 350 for print.
Now, as far as my new comic book "Bobert and the Monster", I am doing that specifically in a comic book print page size and style. So that one is 3588px wide by 5425px tall. And again, I am using 350 DPI for print.
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