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On this episode of the podcast, I meet James Griffiths. James is a pottery artist living in Madison WI. James had started out working in retail but wanted to try making pottery full-time. We talk about how that transition to a full-time artist started and how James ended up opening their own pottery studio called The Kiln Shed in a space on Madison's east side!
Watch the video
The Kiln Shed Website https://www.thekilnshed.studio
The Kiln Shed on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KilnShed
The Kiln Shed on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kilnshed
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Check out the other things Tom Ray does too! :)
- Tom Ray's graphic novel eBooks "Then This Happened..."
- Podcast Music by Tom Ray's band Lorenzo's Music https://www.lorenzosmusic.com