Episode 4 - of my animated cartoon series Xylus and Dexter in Space! Here is another episode of my animated cartoon Xylus and Dexter in Space! Concept In this episode: The boys explore what they think is an abandoned castle. ( Related post: Xylus and Dexter in Space! "Castle Clause" Episode 3 - Cartoon animation ) Art In this cartoon after the alien covered himself with powder, I kinda thought that he looked like Jack Nicholson as The Joker from Tim Burton's Batman . So I actually created a little scene that was a reference to a scene from that movie. The part where right after he says the famous line "Wait'll they get a load'a me." and then for some reason the camera lingers there he starts going "woop... woop..." and looks around. Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Batman Phineus Handala copying the Joker Animation For the flying animation of the alien Phineas Handala I tried to do something like the Great Gazoo from the Flintstones and ma...
A musician who also draws comics & sells vintage toys full-time