In this video, I'm out at the train car and wanted to talk about a new idea I had about using the space while it's still under construction.
One of the things I've been doing is selling stuff online and while doing that I've kind of been selling things like a promotion I guess I could say. When I sell an item locally on the Facebook marketplace I'm having the person meet me out here at the train car to pick it up. Even though the place is still a shambles, it's still pretty neat to look at!
Like today I'm meeting someone who bought these six stone something-or-other mugs. So they're gonna come out here at the train today. Even though as of right now there is still no power and no air. The people that buy things from me will come out here and I'm gonna go "hey, you want to look at the train car?"
Truthfully, two of them recently were artists so maybe I'll have them on the show? Who knows?
But that's part of my marketing plan while I'm selling things. I'm just kind of building up awareness and later when people ask them about the things they bought from me they'll go "hey I bought these mugs from a guy that was in a train car!" is kind of my way of thinking.
It's a very small focused marketing plan but my whole thing is about meeting people.